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Monday 26 January 1970

What is this link for?


So you've clicked on the QUESTION MARK symbol and are now wondering what it is all for. I've had to put a lot of thought into how I am going to display all the ebooks on this site, and this is what this "A-Z" navigation is for.

With each alphabet letter in the A-Z list, each book added to this site will be displayed in one of the 28 link lists. Any ebook that starts with a number (For example, "100 ways to kill an alien, by me" - not a real book by the way, I just made the title up as an example) will be displayed in the "0-9" list. And, any ebook that starts with any kind of symbol at the beginning of the book title, will be listed in the "#" list.

I hear you ask, "What about a section that has ALL the ebooks on this site?" Well, if you really want to go there, click on the "*" link. You will find all the ebooks on this site listed on that post page. I will also state if each ebook is available in an audiobook format or a foreign language other than English next to each ebook title.

So how does it work?
Let's say you want to find the ebook "The Hynek UFO Report by J. Allen Hynek" for example.

  1. Simply click on the letter "T" link and you will be taken to a post page with all the books listed that start with the letter "T".
  2. Scroll down the page to that particular book in the list.
  3. Click on the book's title and you will then be taken to the post that has that particular book in it. Each book on this site is listed in a list format near the bottom of each post.
  4. Click the "VIEW" link to view the contents of the ebook; or click on the "DOWNLOAD" link to download the ebook to your computer, etc. 1
  5. Its that simple!

Don't worry. You will figure it all out by yourself sooner or later, if you didn't understand my instructions above.

1 Each "VIEW" and/or "DOWNLOAD" link is on the same line (or in same cases on the next line underneath) as the ebook title and author.
Link 1Link 2Link 3Link 4Link 5Link 6Link 7Link 8Link 9Link 10Link 11Link 12Link 13Link 14Link 15Link 16Link 17Link 18Link 19Link 20 ♥ MORE OF YOUR CONTENT GOES HERE
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