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Sunday 14 January 2018

Jupiter exploding

About 3 weeks ago I was laying in my bed trying to fall asleep when out of the blue an image of an Alien popped into my head. I cannot recall now exactly what the alien looked like but was not a human, a reptilian nor a typical grey alien. It's image was entirely blue in colour and it was surrounded in a blue light or energy. The image did not come from my subconscious nor conscious minds as images from them are always in colour.

The Alien image was basically the head and upper torso of an alien looking straight at me. It then projected a yellow wide beam of light at me, and suddenly, a coloured image of Jupiter appeared in my mind followed by the top, left quarter of the planet exploding outward.

In my mind I thought this was impossible and if it were to happen it would be disasterious for everyone in our solar system. I then thought when will this happen? Suddenly another image came into my mind but the image was not in full colour. It was like I was seeing this image at dusk where the sun light was fading rapidly and colours were not as visible yet could be sort of just made out.

The image was of someone's front yard with a concrete? footpath ahead of me that curves to the right further ahead. There are medium sized shrubs to the left and right of the footpath. Directly ahead of me in the image was an old looking house with a brick wall of some sort. The wall had taller shrubs in front of it. Immediately to the right of these shrubs was the house's front door (or back door?).

In my mind I could not recognize the house nor the footpath. I obviously have never been to this house before.

Words entered my mind that stated, "Jupiter will explode the day you visit this house."

Now, I'm not stating that an alien contacted me nor Jupiter will explode 1/4 of itself off the planet. I am stating that it was odd for my mind to come up with such things in the first place. However, I have had similiar types of images pop into my mind involving aliens and what was shown to me in the past has come true.

Making life easy for myself

On another note, however, I want to achieve an easily accessible blog website for not just myself but for any visitors to it. Making things automatically update is what I want the most with this site. If only life was like that and fantasies became realities overnight, I would be a lot happier person.

Currently I am trying to figure out a way to create a blog site that can be added to by visitors in the comments section, and for those comments to show up as individual posts. But achieving that in itself may be easy enough but how I want it laid out is a different question altogether.

For the time being I will work on getting this blog site up and working properly as some functions are just not working, and the layout is unorganized and the colour scheme is not to my pleasing. I am slowly working on it though.

I don't know why but I suddenly got back into writing on Blogger, just yesterday, after a very long absence.

Combining everything into this one blog

I want to add all the content of all my blogs, except for 2 other blogs, into this blog but at this point in time I do not know how to go about it. In the past I have written a lot of things down and not just about aliens. I have done a lot of things online, including writing up an entire website's FAQ section. I simply cannot keep track of everything anymore so I need and want to simplify everything into one place. I want it all visible to the public but at the same time I want it to be more like a record of everything I have ever done online. I'd like people to know what I am really interested in and what makes me tick. But having everything jumbled up together is not how I want it. I want it all in their own sections, separated from each other somehow, as if I still do have 20 blogs. Honestly, I cannot keep track of 20 blogs and to write something in each one every day, or at least frequently, is a lot harder than it looks as life gets in the way a lot of the times.

 I have so many ideas floating around in my head that I need this blog (and my own online space) just to write them down. I'm not talking about every little thought that crosses my mind because that would just be too much. And some thoughts I would rather keep to myself anyway.

Thursday 5 January 2017

The Good Ol' Days

I grew up in the 1970s and 80s and despite my poor upbringing I had a good time. I could go to the shops without having to worry about dangerous people who might kidnap me. I played in the streets until dark or my parents called me home. I roamed the land, played in creeks and mud and with the water in garden hoses. No adults bothered me as a kid. There were no computers back then or anything resembling today's technology. It was a simple life where us kids were made to go outside and play instead of being inside. We were told off just for being inside during the day if it wasn't dinner time or I was napping after school. Chores were done and no money was paid for the amount of chores I had done either. I learnt responsibility of my actions, to trust and respect adults, and to be a good citizen.

These days our kids do not have that option. If a kid goes and plays in the creek here those kids will get told off by adults in the area. Kids these days are forced to stay inside due to stranger danger and a society that does not appear to care about one another, let alone neighbourhood kids. There is simply too much technology and the simple life has gone the way of the dinosaurs. Kids do their best to grow up in our society but to what ends do they become as an adult? A lot of our kids are turning out to be antisocial. That is not healthy at all.

Our modern day technology is out competing the old ways of parenting and our society in general. The more technology there is the further away we all are driven from reality. We now live in a world that keeps us inside out of harms way until we mingle with other humans whom are also hobbits in their own reality and probably just as antisocial as we are. Times need to change. We all need to get back in touch with reality, outside in the real world. And that includes dating in the real world.

Too many people out there attempt to date other people online, or get involved with people online from some far off place, in some far off country. How on Earth can that even work when those people will probably never meet in real life? No-one can form a solid relationship on someone else whom they have never met let alone physically touched or fell in love with in person. Online dating should be banned from our society forcing us to meet real people we can see and touch, to make us feel human.

Feeding wild birds is a waste of time

I got to thinking about how many times I've given wild birds food and for what? Why do I do these things? It costs me money and I do not benefit from it at all. Its not like the birds give me anything in return. I have yet to see any birds give me some sort of gift or anything really as a way of saying I appreciate what you do for me/us.

Birds just take what they are given then fly away without offering anything in return. The birds around here are simply not smart enough or compassionate enough to warrant my attention anymore. Where are all the smart corvids?

Wild birds are going to have to resort to foraging through the garden for food. If they don't like it, tough.

Alien vs human energy

The things I've learned along the way is astonishing but not all that impressive or useful really yet some things I can't stop thinking about. For example, there is this guy I used to know whose behaviour is totally unusual for a human plus he gives off an enormous amount of energy that I cannot explain. I have yet to encounter another human that does the same things as he does including this energy he gives off.

Humans do not give off that much energy. They do not know how to externalise nor project it outward. Whenever I am amongst other humans I do not pick up on their energy or any energy being projected outward.  It is like trying to feel the energy of a tree or a rock - almost impossible to detect. Humans simply do not give off enough energy to detect. But this one guy gives off an enormous amount of energy which I can detect even if he is withdrawn and depressed and not projecting his energy. It is still detectable.

I encountered some Aliens once where I live as I was walking home from town. I saw them in the main street actually. They were a strange mob of people: very private; reserved; secrative; and possessive of their things and business. I looked at one of them and he looked back as I was approaching them. I had to walk straight passed 3 of them, almost brushing up against them to go around them as they loitered near the gutter next to a stobie pole. The male alien gave me the most threatening look and his energy was extremely intense. I began thinking in my head that I knew he was an Alien. Sure enough he heard my thoughts and I could sense intensely that he knew what I was thinking. He gave off a vibe that I was not welcome here and then suddenly he looked very angry at me, and stared at me angrily as we maintained eye contact. I broke eye contact and resumed trying to walk around them and just kept walking after observing what the other 2 were doing. Within 5 minutes I was observed by a man in a red 4 wheel drive vehicle. Not a coincidence.

This guy I used to know gave off the same energy as this alien did. His reaction to me is also the same. His anger and projecting of anger at me is also the same. He also makes me feel "unwelcome" just like the Alien did. Hey, this is my God damned planet not theirs'. They are rude, impolite, and don't seem to have an ounce of compassion in their hearts at first glance or even after a minute or two.

The one thing that sticks out a lot with this man I used to know was all the coincidences that would happen. I'm not talking about the odd coincidence either. I'm talking about how they'd happen up to 8 times a day, every day. They still happen from time to time but no longer on a daily basis.

The absolute worst thing that would come from my visits to him and his girlfriend? was whenever I'd put a bit of encouraging energy into our friendship, whether verbal statements or thoughts, he'd use that on his relationship? with his girlfriend?. I soon quickly stopped doing this once I realised how he was responding physically to my input as his girlfriend? would verbally slam him down for behaving that way and she'd just say to me "Stop encouraging him". Basically I had 2 reasons to not encourage him or put any input into my friendship with them. Then it all turned sour and now they are a thing of the past.

Humans are really so predictable. Their energy is truly undetectable even if you get to know them. But that man still gives off a huge amount of energy that I can only conclude is identical to that of Aliens.

Thoughts in my head

My mind seems constantly active with thoughts and of late I have begun to not trust them. Things that I've heard that were said to come true have turned out to be a bunch of lies. So now I no longer trust my thoughts and only listen to my conscious thoughts. I have begun to block all the other thoughts out no matter where they are coming from. These other thoughts simply do not matter anymore and are NOT valid therefore are to be ignored indefinitely.

I used to trust these thoughts until they started to let me down. I've now had enough and no longer trust them. They are not the work of the devil. They are the work of my unfulfilled desires and subconscious mind clashing with my conscious mind's thoughts.

Saturday 17 December 2016

People projecting psychic energy

The thing I hate about this is it affects me in a big way. I've spent the last 2-3 years trying to block this shit out and for the most part it works. But then there are times when I'm blocking and things go back to normal for just a day or two and suddenly I'm overcome with "someone else's energy and thoughts" again. This is what happened yesterday and today I am so pissed off with the person I, well, I think I should keep my thoughts to myself here.

There is no point to what I am saying because it is something that just happens. I have no control over any of it. The person claims (in a past conversation with him) that he does not know anything about it all nor how I am being affected nor how he is doing it. I think he's full of shit and does know how he is doing it, and does so intentionally. He is one of these people who can read someone's mind; can remote view someone; project psychic influences at people to make them do what he wants; and more. But if he thinks he can get away with this, especially after what happened last night, he'd better think again. There are consequences to one's actions and now I am really pissed off and "unforgiving". I will show no mercy.

For the passed 2 years I refused to have nothing to do with him or his girlfriend. We used to be friends but that changed. Something happened and I just walked out and never went back nor spoke to them ever again. I have common sense and refuse to tolerate their crap. But his psychic projections and energy occasionally affects me and when it does I put a serious "stop this shit" in his mind "and make him suffer the consequences of this particular action" He tries connecting with me emotionally and wants me to validate his feelings. Fuck his feelings. He does not deserve to be validated on any level.

People say to psychically protect yourself. I do that, and within 24 hours he's found a way around my defenses. I think it is time to do something drastic so he never bothers me again.

The very worst part to all of this is, for the most part, this is what he is doing to his girlfriend, and somehow I cope it as well. I have no attachments to him whatsoever. In the past I did when it all started but not anymore. His energy keeps dragging me back into the midst of it all.

Last night I had the worst night of my life and the worst sleep I've ever had in my entire life.

This crap has to stop!!!!!

Wednesday 14 December 2016

I don't give a damn about nothing


I am extremely happy and I don't give a fuck about anything.

In my private little world where some things tend to shit me off I simply refuse to let anything or anyone bother me anymore. Why should I let other people's need for validation affect me when it has nothing to do with me anyway? Allowing other people's energy to affect me is just not on anymore. This is my life!!!!!

When you get involved with other people, and you realise it was a big mistake, you have to shake it off and not let it bother you anymore. You have to move forward from it to get back your sanity. I struggled for a long time to find myself again and there is no way I am letting go of that again. Not even if I was tortured.

What other people think of me I do not care about. That is trivial shit that I don't give a fuck about. I am happy without "them" in my life as I don't have to deal with "their" bullshit anymore. I plan on keeping it that way - forever. No ifs or buts about it. I don't give a fuck about "them" and I don't care if "they" give a fuck (or not) about me. All I care about is being happy - and "they" do not make me feel happy at all.

Monday 12 December 2016

Preparing for Christmas

I normally start putting up decorations and the Christmas tree about the 1st of December each year but this year I started getting enthusiastic and then my enthusiasm died rather quickly. Menopause is a horrible thing and everything I do is exhausting and feels like a mountain that I have to climb up backwards. The longer I leave things the closer christmas will get here and nothing is still done.

I currently have one present to put under the Christmas tree. I better get cracking and decorate the lounge room already.
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