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Thursday 5 January 2017

The Good Ol' Days

I grew up in the 1970s and 80s and despite my poor upbringing I had a good time. I could go to the shops without having to worry about dangerous people who might kidnap me. I played in the streets until dark or my parents called me home. I roamed the land, played in creeks and mud and with the water in garden hoses. No adults bothered me as a kid. There were no computers back then or anything resembling today's technology. It was a simple life where us kids were made to go outside and play instead of being inside. We were told off just for being inside during the day if it wasn't dinner time or I was napping after school. Chores were done and no money was paid for the amount of chores I had done either. I learnt responsibility of my actions, to trust and respect adults, and to be a good citizen.

These days our kids do not have that option. If a kid goes and plays in the creek here those kids will get told off by adults in the area. Kids these days are forced to stay inside due to stranger danger and a society that does not appear to care about one another, let alone neighbourhood kids. There is simply too much technology and the simple life has gone the way of the dinosaurs. Kids do their best to grow up in our society but to what ends do they become as an adult? A lot of our kids are turning out to be antisocial. That is not healthy at all.

Our modern day technology is out competing the old ways of parenting and our society in general. The more technology there is the further away we all are driven from reality. We now live in a world that keeps us inside out of harms way until we mingle with other humans whom are also hobbits in their own reality and probably just as antisocial as we are. Times need to change. We all need to get back in touch with reality, outside in the real world. And that includes dating in the real world.

Too many people out there attempt to date other people online, or get involved with people online from some far off place, in some far off country. How on Earth can that even work when those people will probably never meet in real life? No-one can form a solid relationship on someone else whom they have never met let alone physically touched or fell in love with in person. Online dating should be banned from our society forcing us to meet real people we can see and touch, to make us feel human.


Shirley E Hardy on Sunday, January 14, 2018 2:02:00 pm said...

Are these comments working?

Shirley E Hardy on Sunday, January 14, 2018 2:06:00 pm said...

Will the pop up window comment work? Only one way to find out I guess.

Shirley E Hardy on Sunday, January 14, 2018 2:23:00 pm said...

Both full screen comments and pop up comments work. The comments form is set to pop up so folks can leave a comment. Now to figure out why the reply to comments are not working.

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