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Sunday 14 January 2018

Combining everything into this one blog

I want to add all the content of all my blogs, except for 2 other blogs, into this blog but at this point in time I do not know how to go about it. In the past I have written a lot of things down and not just about aliens. I have done a lot of things online, including writing up an entire website's FAQ section. I simply cannot keep track of everything anymore so I need and want to simplify everything into one place. I want it all visible to the public but at the same time I want it to be more like a record of everything I have ever done online. I'd like people to know what I am really interested in and what makes me tick. But having everything jumbled up together is not how I want it. I want it all in their own sections, separated from each other somehow, as if I still do have 20 blogs. Honestly, I cannot keep track of 20 blogs and to write something in each one every day, or at least frequently, is a lot harder than it looks as life gets in the way a lot of the times.

 I have so many ideas floating around in my head that I need this blog (and my own online space) just to write them down. I'm not talking about every little thought that crosses my mind because that would just be too much. And some thoughts I would rather keep to myself anyway.


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