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Saturday 17 December 2016

People projecting psychic energy

The thing I hate about this is it affects me in a big way. I've spent the last 2-3 years trying to block this shit out and for the most part it works. But then there are times when I'm blocking and things go back to normal for just a day or two and suddenly I'm overcome with "someone else's energy and thoughts" again. This is what happened yesterday and today I am so pissed off with the person I, well, I think I should keep my thoughts to myself here.

There is no point to what I am saying because it is something that just happens. I have no control over any of it. The person claims (in a past conversation with him) that he does not know anything about it all nor how I am being affected nor how he is doing it. I think he's full of shit and does know how he is doing it, and does so intentionally. He is one of these people who can read someone's mind; can remote view someone; project psychic influences at people to make them do what he wants; and more. But if he thinks he can get away with this, especially after what happened last night, he'd better think again. There are consequences to one's actions and now I am really pissed off and "unforgiving". I will show no mercy.

For the passed 2 years I refused to have nothing to do with him or his girlfriend. We used to be friends but that changed. Something happened and I just walked out and never went back nor spoke to them ever again. I have common sense and refuse to tolerate their crap. But his psychic projections and energy occasionally affects me and when it does I put a serious "stop this shit" in his mind "and make him suffer the consequences of this particular action" He tries connecting with me emotionally and wants me to validate his feelings. Fuck his feelings. He does not deserve to be validated on any level.

People say to psychically protect yourself. I do that, and within 24 hours he's found a way around my defenses. I think it is time to do something drastic so he never bothers me again.

The very worst part to all of this is, for the most part, this is what he is doing to his girlfriend, and somehow I cope it as well. I have no attachments to him whatsoever. In the past I did when it all started but not anymore. His energy keeps dragging me back into the midst of it all.

Last night I had the worst night of my life and the worst sleep I've ever had in my entire life.

This crap has to stop!!!!!

Wednesday 14 December 2016

I don't give a damn about nothing


I am extremely happy and I don't give a fuck about anything.

In my private little world where some things tend to shit me off I simply refuse to let anything or anyone bother me anymore. Why should I let other people's need for validation affect me when it has nothing to do with me anyway? Allowing other people's energy to affect me is just not on anymore. This is my life!!!!!

When you get involved with other people, and you realise it was a big mistake, you have to shake it off and not let it bother you anymore. You have to move forward from it to get back your sanity. I struggled for a long time to find myself again and there is no way I am letting go of that again. Not even if I was tortured.

What other people think of me I do not care about. That is trivial shit that I don't give a fuck about. I am happy without "them" in my life as I don't have to deal with "their" bullshit anymore. I plan on keeping it that way - forever. No ifs or buts about it. I don't give a fuck about "them" and I don't care if "they" give a fuck (or not) about me. All I care about is being happy - and "they" do not make me feel happy at all.

Monday 12 December 2016

Preparing for Christmas

I normally start putting up decorations and the Christmas tree about the 1st of December each year but this year I started getting enthusiastic and then my enthusiasm died rather quickly. Menopause is a horrible thing and everything I do is exhausting and feels like a mountain that I have to climb up backwards. The longer I leave things the closer christmas will get here and nothing is still done.

I currently have one present to put under the Christmas tree. I better get cracking and decorate the lounge room already.

Sunday 11 December 2016

Not talkative these days

With this blog I've decided to merge everything I have on all my blogs to be included in this blog. That way I can keep track of everything. I  am also including a lot of the features I've created on my other blogs and implementing them onto this blog as I don't want to lose them. I'm not much of a talker these days, so for the next few weeks I'll be adding all the content of my other blogs to this one.

Friday 9 December 2016

Merging blogs may be my next project

I think it is becoming really hard for me to post anything these days on any of my blogs. I have too much going on in my head to just attend to my numerous blogs. I do things so randomly, and have so many interests, that I am seriously considering merging all my blogs together to be just one blog. Or, have all the same template designs and intertwine all the blogs' posts and pages together. It is not that hard to do actually.

If I do merge them all together I will have to do some serious reshuffling of labels and things on this blog. I think I'd rather use this blog for everything and that way I can use all the bits and pieces of coding onto the one blog rather than it being everywhere.

I'll see how it goes and if it is viable or not.

Wednesday 7 December 2016

Blog Central Headquarters

Having so many blogs is difficult to keep a track of so I am using this site as a home base to list all my other blogs and to add updates about the other blogs. Should I add anything new to my other blogs it will first appear here.
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